Article name Professional Factor in the Everyday Life of Civil Servant of the West-Siberian Educational District (1885–1917)
Authors Blinov A.V.Doctor of History, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description Blinov A. V. Professional Factor in the Everyday Life of Civil Servant of the West-Siberian Educational District (1885–1917) // Humanitarian Vector. 2021. Vol. 16, No. 3. PP. 79–89. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2021- 16-3-79-89.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2021-16-3-79-89
UDK 94(571.1):36.014(37.088.2+379.8)
Article type
Annotation Turning to the history of the everyday life of an individual or society allows us to preserve historical memory, to identify the mechanisms that ensure the historical continuity and integrity of society at the present stage. An important role in the organization of the management of the regional educational space belonged to civil servant (the trustee, district inspectors, administrative corps of educational institutions), allocated from among the employees of the Ministry of the National Education. Based on historiographical and historical sources, using the methodological provisions of the theory of everyday life, the principles of objectivity, historicism and consistency, the article shows the role of the profession in the structure of the daily life of civil servant of the West Siberian Educational District. It is established that the professional activity was influenced by the scope of official duties established by departmental regulatory documentation, spatial and territorial features of the entrusted management sector, the socio-political situation that corrects professional duties, the established way of life and provides the opportunity to choose within the entrusted professional space. The social status and income level of a civil servant depended on the scope of control and its significance for the activities of the entire system. It was a compensation for the time and effort spent. The proposed approach to the analysis of the role of the professional factor in the daily life of civil servant of the West Siberian Educational District can be applied to other socio-professional groups in different territorial and temporal spaces.
Key words West Siberian Educational District, Ministry of the National education, educational institution, everyday life, civil servant, charter, professional activity
Article information
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Full articleProfessional Factor in the Everyday Life of Civil Servant of the West-Siberian Educational District (1885–1917)