Article name Burials with Weapons and Horse Bridle of Yuldashevsky Burial Ground in the South Ural Region
Authors Lyasovich V.I.Research Assistant
Bibliographic description Lyasovich V. I. Burials with Weapons and Horse Bridle of Yuldashevsky Burial Ground in the South Ural Region // Humanitarian Vector. 2021. Vol. 16, No. 3. PP. 152–166. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2021-16-3-152- 166.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2021-16-3-152-166
UDK 902
Article type
Annotation The study of the peculiarities of the armament of the Pianobor tribes is an urgent direction of modern archaeological science. The purpose of this article is to isolate and then analyze the sets of weapons for the male burials of the Yuldashevsky burial ground of the Pyanobor archaeological culture of the Early Iron Age. The problem of the study is to reconstruct the nature of the military culture of one local group in the Pianobor society. The novelty of the work is the fact that the totality of weapons in the burial, the weapon set, is considered within the framework of one specific archaeological monument, and not as a whole in terms of culture.The Yuldashevsky burial ground belongs to one of the necropolises of the Pianobor culture, where an increased content of weapons is noted. The occurrence as well as the combination of a certain type of weapon in the burial inventory makes it possible to distinguish weapon sets, as well as to designate popular types of weapons among a specific group of the drunken population. Applying the comparative-historical method, including the method of statistics and chronology, it was possible to focus on the number of weapon sets, their filling with weapons, the time frame of some weapons, and its similarity with the Kara-Abyz set of weapons. As well as the Kara-Abyz, the Pianobor culture inherited a set of weapons characteristics of the Ananyin time. Its indispensable attributes are: a) polearms in the form of spears with small points; b) arrowheads made of different materials ‒ bronze, iron and bone, with the domination of the latter in quiver sets; c) long single-edged blades ‒ combat knives. Despite the relative proximity of the habitat of the Pianobor tribes to the Sarmatian world, the latter did not have a significant impact on the armament complex of the Pyanobor tribes. Moreover, in the drunken environment, its own standardized weapon set was formed, represented by various variations in the mutual occurrence of a bow, spear and a combat knife.
Key words Pianobor archaeological culture, weapons, burial ground, military burials, early Iron Age,Yuldashevsky burial ground, southern Urals
Article information
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