Article name A Short Story as a Special Genre of Vietnamese National Literature
Authors Tran Thi Thu Ha ..teacher
Bibliographic description Tran Thi Thu Ha. A Short Story as a Special Genre of Vietnamese National Literature // Humanitarian Vector. 2021. Vol. 16, No. 4. PP. 18–25. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2021-16-4-18-25
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2021-16-4-18-25
UDK 372.882
Article type
Annotation There is still a gap between prosperous foundation of national literary heritage, its genre diversity and real practical understanding of its value for society development and national identification. The article is deals with to the study of the short Vietnamese story as a genre of Vietnamese literature, its history, specifics, and the current stage of development. The purpose of the research is to study the short Vietnamese story as a national genre of Vietnamese literature, periodization, identification of its features. In this study, several methods of scientific research were used. Historical and comparative analysis, with the help of which it is possible to identify the features of the genre under study by establishing similarities and differences with other genres, to identify the stages of its development in the historical context; and empirical analysis to summarize, classify and describe the results obtained. The contribution of the study is to present the history of the Vietnamese short story as a genre of Vietnamese literature, reveal its specifics, features due to the cultural and religious basis, the historical heritage of the country and socio-economic development. The periodization of the genre evolution is carried out. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the current stage short story development. The author shows the transformation of the genre, reveals new features inherent in the genre of the modern short Vietnamese story, related to the socio-economic development of Vietnam and the echoes of the military events of the mid-XX century. Namely, the approach to realism and showing the true emotions of the hero. We show that it is the analysis of literary works of this genre that can become an important element, which can help to preserve the depth and beauty of literature, to maintain the continuity of generations. This is especially important in the context of globalization and the erosion of traditional cultural values in Vietnamese society
Key words genre, short stories, peculiarities, periodization, Vietnam
Article information
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Full articleA Short Story as a Special Genre of Vietnamese National Literature