Article name Author’s Narrative Strategy with Comic Elements as a Component of the Conceptual Picture of the Prose World of B. Kanapyanov
Authors Baktybaeva A.T.Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description Baktybaeva A. T. Author’s Narrative Strategy with Comic Elements as a Component of the Conceptual Picture of the Prose World of B. Kanapyanov // Humanitarian Vector. 2021. Vol. 16, No. 4. PP. 69–77. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2021-16-4-69-77.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2021-16-4-69-77
UDK 801.73
Article type
Annotation The purpose of the article is to identify the originality of the author’s strategy of the Russian-speaking Kazakh poet B. Kanapyanov as an integral element of the conceptual picture of the world. The scientific novelty of the work is determined by a systematic approach to the studied material, as well as by the fact that for the first time the author of the article considers the novels of a prose writer in the stated perspective. “Tales of the Old Combiner” are written in a comic vein, and the genre definition is already given by the title itself. The plots of small chapters demonstrate the ethical “difference” between ideological slogans and everyday reality in which rural workers are immersed. The figure of the narrator here is quite remarkable: this is a young man, on the one hand, who is a product of the Soviet era, and on the other, who has just graduated from an agricultural technical school in the city and has arrived at a state farm, who does not have much life experience, whose consciousness is not yet clouded by ideology, and therefore looking at the world ironically and objectively. The Kazakh author seeks to convey the peculiarities of the laughter outlook of the 1970s–1980s through the use of speech clichés of the Soviet era. He clearly demonstrates Soviet ideologemes, bordering in meaning, with “carnival misalliance”. The results of the study showed that the author’s preface, a kind of communication between the author and the reader through the author’s mask and fairy tale narration, etc., become elements of the author’s strategy of B. Kanapyanov, placed in a comic narrative discourse. The latter unfolds in the description of the ironic impressions of the protagonist, his dreams, the description of the harvesting of bread, the actions of the labor mentor. Prospects for further research can be associated with identifying the features of the author’s strategy of B. Kanapyanov in the story Spray of Champagne, understanding the functional role of comic elements in its construction.
Key words B. Kanapyanov, conceptual picture of the world, author’s mask, author’s strategy, comic, story
Article information
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Full articleAuthor’s Narrative Strategy with Comic Elements as a Component of the Conceptual Picture of the Prose World of B. Kanapyanov