Article name Human Capital Concept Evolution in the Context of Scientific Knowledge Stages Dynamics
Authors Dedolko J.V.Master of Philosophy, Senior Lecturer
Bibliographic description Dedolko J. V. Human Capital Concept Evolution in the Context of Scientific Knowledge Stages Dynamics // Humanitarian Vector. 2021. Vol. 16, No. 5. PP. 8–17. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2021-16-5-8-17.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2021-16-5-8-17
UDK 101.1:3163+141.319.8
Article type
Annotation The article studies the human capital concept genesis and development in the context of philosophical and scientific knowledge dynamics. Society transformation to the post-industrial stage of social development led to the foundation of human capital theoretical conception. The relevance of the paper was dictated by the increasing human capital volume in the structure of modern social reproduction. The theoretical and methodological bases of the research are philosophical treatises of Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas, T. Hobbes; political economy classics works by W. Petty, J. S. Mill, A. Smith, K. Marx; ideas analysis by F. Taylor, H. Ford, J. Minser, T. Schultz, G. Becker and others; articles by Russian and Belarusian economists like R. M. Nureev, Yu. V. Latov, R. I. Kapelyushnikov, M. M. Kovalev, E. G. Gospodarik. The empirical base is World Bank reports, human development reports of the UN. Analysis of literature revealed insufficient interest in human capital in the philosophical knowledge field, despite the fact that the concept related to axiological and existential aspects of human existence. The purpose of the paper was to perform philosophical and methodological research of the human capital concept, and identification of human capital status in post-industrial society resources structure. Historical and philosophical reconstruction methods, principles of systemic and transdisciplinary approaches were used to achieve the goal. The relationship between stages of social-economic society development and resources dematerialization was revealed. Four development stages of the human capital concept in the paradigm of science dynamics by V. S. Stepin were highlighted. The ambivalent status of the concept in scientific knowledge and public consciousness was substantiated. The significant resource potential of human capital at the post-industrial stage of society development was revealed.
Key words human capital, intangible resources, social reproduction, post-industrial society, dynamics of science
Article information
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