Article name The Concept of the Populated Universe and the Visualization of Knowledge in the Discourse of Geography
Authors Bocharnikov V.N.Doctor of Biology, Professor
Bibliographic description
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2018-13-2-132-141
UDK 91 (09)
Article type
Annotation We discuss the specifics of the existence of scientific knowledge of postclassical period and consider the methodological features and visual-imaginative possibilities of geography. The paper studies historical and logical stages of ontological development of geographical science. The theory of knowledge which is increasingly turning into a philosophy of knowledge fixes the need for understanding knowledge from the standpoint of “open rationality”, that is, it involves entering into a real, living process of cognition: beyond unambiguous principles, criteria, norms, rules or recognizing the possibility of changing them. The study shows the specifics of the existence and dissemination of scientific knowledge at different stages of human evolution, examines methodological features, demonstrates the visually-imaginative possibilities of geography in the production and delimitation of knowledge. A brief summary of the historical and logical stages of the ontological development of geographical science is compiled. We study the peculiarities of perception and interpretation of knowledge in the context of mapping the historical and geographical model of the inhabited part of the Earth, i. e. the populated universe. We propose a transdisciplinary approach to mapping and modelling the distribution of knowledge and its visualization based on GIS technology. For the practical implementation of the objectives given above, figurative linguistic use of the concepts of ‘wilderness’ and ‘cultural landscape’ in their mythological and symbolic specificity of differentiation of areas of geographic knowledge is suggested.
Key words geographic knowledge, populated universe, GIS technology, wilderness, ontology of science, human reality, perception
Article information
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Full articleThe Concept of the Populated Universe and the Visualization of Knowledge in the Discourse of Geography