Article name Humanitarian-Geographical Aspects of Alcoholism in Russia: External Causes of Death and the Culture of Alcohol Consumption
Authors Gladkiy Y.N.Doctor of Geography, Professor, Head of the Department of Economic Geography
Baikova E.V.Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2018-13-2-142-151
UDK 316.722
Article type
Annotation We examine the relationship of external causes of death with volume of sales and the level of alcohol consumption, against the background of the increasing sale of counterfeit and surrogate products from the standpoint of cultural geography. The conclusion is made about the fallacy of acceptance for the level of alcohol consumption data on retail sales of alcoholic beverages. We reveal the absence of dependence of alcohol-related mortality on alcohol sales volumes. A significant influence of the dynamics of fatal alcohol poisoning on the incidence of external causes of death is shown. The period studied was 1990–2015. At the regional level for 2015 the calculation of the registered alcohol consumption in liters of pure alcohol per person was implemented. We made a regression analysis of mortality from accidental poisoning by alcohol and the number of deaths caused by homicide and suicide both in dynamics for the years 1990–2015 and from the point of view of constituent territories of the Russian Federation. Despite the official statistics, which recorded a sharp decline of alcohol consumption in Russia over the last decade, there are strong grounds for arguing that deregistered products (at least partially) shifted to the field of illegal production. The increased Rosstat data on crimes committed in a condition of alcoholic intoxication (45.6 % more) during the same decade confirm this claim. The existence of backwardness in alcoholic beverages consumption culture is underlined. In particular, it is revealed in the continuing high rate of consumption of alcohol-containing pharmacy liquids and liquids for household purposes. That fact indicates that too little is being done in our country in promoting healthy lifestyle.
Key words alcohol, alcohol poisoning, external causes for death, dependency, regression analysis, pharmaceutical market of alcohol-containing liquids
Article information
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Full articleHumanitarian-Geographical Aspects of Alcoholism in Russia: External Causes of Death and the Culture of Alcohol Consumption