Article name The Image of the Perception of the Evenki in the Artistic Ethnography of Chinese Writers (Based on the Material of the Work by Uzhertu)
Authors Deng Guo Long ..Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description Deng Guo Long. The Image of the Perception of the Evenki in the Artistic Ethnography of Chinese Writers (Based on the Material of the Work by Uzhertu) // Humanitarian Vector. 2022. Vol. 17, No. 1. PP. 8–18. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2022-17-1-8-18.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2022-17-1-8-18
UDK 821.581; 808.1
Article type Original article
Annotation The Evenki are a small ethnic group living in Russia and China, which has preserved its traditional culture and rituals. The “Evenk theme” has become a significant phenomenon in modern Chinese literature and has contributed to ethnographic studies of Evenk culture. The relevance of the study is due to the interest of modern literary criticism in various artistic projections of imagological methodology through the prism of ethnic cultures, as well as the attention of modern Chinese writers to the life of small nationalities. The aim of the study was the imagological analysis of the image of the self-perception of the Evenki in the artistic ethnography of the Evenk writer Uzhertu. The research is based on the methodological developments in the field of artistic ethnography, as well as imagological studies of cultural images and artistic images of perception in literature. The principle of attracting and using ethnographic material is based on the works by Russian ethnographers. During the research, the stories of Uzhertu were analyzed. The image of the Evenk in his works is given from the point of view of self-perception. At the same time, it is emphasized that despite the positive qualities, the Evenk nation is weak and small in number, dissolving in the Han culture under the influence of globalization, modernization, and developing economy. As a representative of an ancient ethnos, faced with the impact of modern civilization, with each new stage of creativity, Uzhertu became more and more aware of his responsibility to his people, trying to fix and preserve its unique culture in an artistic form. In the “Evenk” works by Uzhertu, the main typological techniques of artistic ethnography were captured: the creation of images of perception of a foreign culture (Han) and images of perception, the imprinting of traditional religious ideas and a mythological picture of the world, a description of household and trade customs and rituals. Uzhertu sadly records the processes of enveloping the Evenks, their dissolution in the Han culture and everyday life.
Key words image of perception, image of self-perception, artistic ethnography, the Evenki, ethnic minorities, Uzhertu, modern Chinese literature
Article information
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Full articleThe Image of the Perception of the Evenki in the Artistic Ethnography of Chinese Writers (Based on the Material of the Work by Uzhertu)