Article name Presentation of Modern Values of Confucianism Humanism in the Media Space
Authors Lai Lingzhi ..Candidate of Political Science
Bibliographic description Lai Lingzhi. Presentation of Modern Values of Confucianism Humanism in the Media Space // Humanitarian Vector. 2022. Vol. 17, No. 1. PP. 86–94. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2022-17-1-86-94.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2022-17-1-86-94
UDK 070
Article type Original article
Annotation In the modern high-tech world, the mass media play a significant role in “understanding information” and “forming knowledge”, and are also of great importance in the formation and representation of collective values of society. Confucian culture is not only a system of knowledge, but also a system of values. In the face of internal and external problems, contradictions, and spiritual crisis, Chinese society relies on the basic values of Confucian culture, thereby strengthening social and political stability. The ideas of Confucian culture also have a high applied value for the regulation of modern international relations. The country is making efforts to present the basic values of humanism of Confucian culture in the country and abroad. And the media play a crucial role in this process. This determines the relevance of this work. The article reveals the modern values of humanism of Confucianism presented in the Chinese media on the example of the Internet version of People’s Daily. The chronological framework of the study is the period from 09.15.2019 to 09.15.2021. Main research methods: critical analysis of scientific literature and content analysis of newspaper texts. The author analyzes and systematizes scientific works on the chosen topic in order to highlight the ideas, main provisions, concepts, principles underlying the Confucian worldview, and their modern value interpretation ‒ both for China and the world community as a whole. The importance of the media space for the formation of the value of the individual and society is studied. The method of content analysis was applied in the study of modern values of humanism of Confucianism. The analysis shows that the Chinese media act as a platform for the presentation, interpretation and actualization of modern values of humanism of Confucianism: they pay attention to the value of Confucianism for both the individual and the collective; actualize the values of its humanistic ideas, such as “Humanity” and “Harmony”; emphasize its moral, spiritual, psychological, ideological and socio-political value of humanism; actualize its value within China itself and on a global scale. In a further study, the effectiveness of the actualization of specific values of Confucianism in the Chinese media can be more carefully considered.
Key words value, humanism, Confucianism, mass media
Article information
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