Article name Evolutionary Potential of a Human
Authors Chetverikova N.A.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor,
Bibliographic description Chetverikova N. A. Evolutionary Potential of a Human // Humanitarian Vector. 2022. Vol. 17, No. 2. PP. 8–15. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2022-17-2-8-15.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2022-17-2-8-15
UDK 177
Article type Original article
Annotation The article is devoted to problems of the existence of a human and humanity because changes in the outworld and a human himself induce significant doubts in the future of mankind. Primarily, there is an erosion of consequences that are present in social changes, manipulations with human consciousness. All of these apprehensions multiplied by achievements in the development of the technosphere, which actively reach forward to submit alive under unalive. There is an opportunity to make sense of it by taking the position of universal evolutionism. The coordinates of biological, social and cultural evolution educe patterns of human survival and the meaning of happening transformations. The object of the research is evolutionary changes of biology, mind, human morality that determine anthropological future. The subject of the research is systematization of fundamental human changes and the influence of the technosphere on the preservation of mankind. The research is based on philosophical and anthropological ideas of evolutionary transformations of biological and sociocultural human nature and its impact on characteristics of human existence. The article reveals significant strategies for universal evolutionism, relating to human evolutionary capabilities in biology, society and culture. Particular attention is paid to such a quality of a human as transgression ‒ a fundamental characteristic of human existence, which presents the fact that a person is always aimed to overcome the boundaries of the possible in the nature and in the society. The main indicators that testify to the transient nature of mankind have been identified. Technosphere existence acquires special importance, leading to irreversible changes in human life, as it strengthens the global confrontation of the natural and the artificial, the living and the inanimate. The inanimate more frequently scores a win.
Key words universal evolutionism, technosphere existence, transgression, natural, artificial
Article information
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