Article name The State of Towns and the Urban Population of Eastern Siberia in the 1850s–1880s: Based on the Materials of Reports of Loyal Governors-General
Authors Kiskidosova T.A.Candidate of History
Bibliographic description Kiskidosova T. A. The State of Towns and the Urban Population of Eastern Siberia in the 1850s–1880s: Based on the Materials of Reports of Loyal Governors-General // Humanitarian Vector. 2022. Vol. 17, No. 3. PP. 109–118. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2022-17-3-109-118.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2022-17-3-109-118
UDK 94(47)08(571.5)
Article type Original article
Annotation The article considers informative information about the cities and urban population of Eastern Siberia in the post-reform period based on the materials of the most comprehensive reports of the governors-general. The reports reflected the main problems of Eastern Siberian towns: small number of the population, budget deficit, underdevelopment of urban economy, poor medical care, unsatisfactory sanitary condition and a significant lag behind cities of Central Russia. The backwardness of Eastern Siberian towns was explained by the fact that they did not arise as commercial and industrial centers but administrative points necessary for the management of the region. Identifying the main causes of high mortality of the population, the governors-general made proposals for improvement of health care and urban residents’ quality. The inertia and underdevelopment of most of Eastern Siberian towns was explained by the slow development of the vast territory. The restoration of the urban economy was carried out by own forces with the support of charitable societies, patrons and the local administration. Almost all heads of the region showed concern about the negative role of criminal exile on ordinary people’s lives. Special attention in the reports was paid to the problem of accommodation and employment of exiles in towns. These reports became evidence of the loyal governors-general’s concern about the unsatisfactory state of health service and education in the region. The repeated appeals of the governors-general to the highest authorities on improving the health service and education system did not receive support. The most comprehensive reports are a valuable source for studying the history of cities in the era of modernization.
Key words Eastern Siberia, town, urban population, reports of governors-general, historical source, form
Article information
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Full articleThe State of Towns and the Urban Population of Eastern Siberia in the 1850s–1880s: Based on the Materials of Reports of Loyal Governors-General