Article name Traditional Values of Russian Society in the Digital Age
Authors Dudkina A.V.Postgraduate Student;
Bibliographic description Dudkina A. V. Traditional Values of Russian Society in the Digital Age // Humanitarian Vector. 2022. Vol. 17, No. 4. PP. 83–92. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2022-17-4-83-92.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2022-17-4-83-92
UDK 070.11
Article type Original article
Annotation The process of digitalization is closely related to global changes in society. Due to the ongoing social changes associated with the development of the information society, there is a crisis in the system of values and value orientations. The study of the state of traditional values and spiritual and moral guidelines in Russian society in the era of information digitalization becomes relevant. This work aims to identify the attitude of Russian society to the preservation of traditional values in the digital age. The novelty lies in identifying the readiness of Russian society to preserve and strengthen spiritual and moral values in the process of adapting to the new reality of the digital age. Methodology and research methods. With the help of content analysis and discourse analysis, the categories of formation of cultural attitudes in Russian society were determined, a list of traditional values was identifi ed, and differences were found in the value orientations of Russian, European, and American cultures. With the help of historical, statistical and comparative analysis of documentary sources, the problems of the digitalization process in Russian society in the context of spiritual and moral values are revealed. An analysis of surveys conducted over the past three years by the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center on attitudes towards traditional values in human life and the role of the state in preserving spiritual and moral values in society revealed the desire of society to preserve and strengthen “traditional values”. When considering communicative state strategies in the fi eld of strengthening and preserving spiritual and moral values, the problems of low effi - ciency of these strategies were identifi ed. We also revealed the infl uence of European and American propaganda on the system of Russian values. The results of this work show that state communication strategies for the preservation of traditional and spiritual and moral values need to be fi nalized and improved in practice. Also, the results obtained can be in demand by researchers in the fi eld of social journalism and media literacy.
Key words digitalization, values, Russia, society, spirituality
Article information
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