Article name Semantic Analysis and Description as Efficient Means to Study the Vocabulary (using Russian and German Verbs of Conversation)
Authors Antropova N.A.Doctor of Philology, professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 811.161.1
Article type
Annotation Although the theoretical and practical studies of the colloquial word formation are rather intensive, still there are a lot of issues which have not been completely investigated yet. The fact is that the conversational word formation has not been profoundly studied in terms of the functional approach which enables us to see what for and how new words are formed in colloquial speech. The given article reveals the conversational word formation in terms of the five functions (nominative, constructive, compressive, expressive and stylistic) whose significance is not at all the same if viewed in comparison with each other and with other functional styles. The analysis proved that the colloquial vocabulary is multifunctional, i. e. it has more than one function. The specificity of the given analysis is in its comparative nature as the linguistic material of two languages – Russian and German was used.
Key words colloquial word-formation, the functional aspect of colloquial word-formation, nominative function, constructive function, compressive function, expressive function, stylistic function.
Article information
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Full articleSemantic Analysis and Description as Efficient Means to Study the Vocabulary (using Russian and German Verbs of Conversation)