Article name Cultural Activity of the Cossack Emigration in the Territory of the Three Rivers
Authors Chapygin I.V.Candidate of History, Associate Professor
Smirnova K.A.Master Student, the Faculty of History
Bibliographic description Chapygin I. V., Smirnova K. A. Культурная деятельность казачьей эмиграции на территории Трёхре- чья // Humanitarian Vector. 2023. Vol. 18, no. 1. P. 56–63. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2023-18-1-56-63.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2023-18-1-56-63
UDK 94(47)
Article type Original article
Annotation The article examines the appearance of the Russian Cossacks on the territory of Northwestern Manchuria, namely the Three Rivers, the construction of the first settlements, their cultural life and the translation of Russian traditions. The authors of the work set a goal to study the contribution of the emigrant community to the development of the image of this region, the process of preserving traditional orders and foundations. This problem is considered in the article from the material and spiritual-social directions of culture. The relevance of the topic is due to the process of returning to active social activity of the Cossacks. In modern Russian society, discussions about the essence of the Cossacks, the economic, moral, social and spiritual foundations of their life do not cease. The authors use the fundamental principles of historical science. The principle of objectivity made it possible to evaluate the analyzed historical documents taking into account the subjectivity of their author. Representatives of the Cossack emigration in the Three Rivers were active in cultural life, which against the background of the cultural life of other emigration groups, was distinguished by its initiative. All achievements in different aspects of culture had a special Russian personality. They were reflected not only in everyday life and material culture, but also in the development of institutions such as education, literature, publications, the church, etc. Arriving on the Manchurian side, the Cossacks brought with them their way of life and culture, which strengthened on foreign territory and became a reference point for the development of the region. Thanks to the location of the Chinese authorities, the Three Rivers began to grow and develop rapidly. People fleeing wanted to feel like an integral part of Russia. Various representatives of the emigrant Cossacks, including the intelligentsia, the clergy, sought to support the Russian spirit and opposed assimilation. The paper identifies and seems promising the need for further research, reconstruction, translation and support of the Cossack culture of the Russian Three Rivers.
Key words Three Rivers, emigration, Cossacks, Northwest Manchuria, culture, traditions
Article information
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Full articleCultural Activity of the Cossack Emigration in the Territory of the Three Rivers