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Article name | Assessment of Quality of Life of the Population as the Condition of Ensuring Social Safety (of Materials of Social Research) |
Authors | Liga M.B.Doctor of Sociology, Professor m-liga@inbox.ruShchetkina I.A.Candidate of Sociology, Associate Professor irinasocio@mail.ruZakharova E.Y.Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor |
Bibliographic description | Liga M. B., Shchetkina I. A., Zakharova E. Yu. Assessment of Quality of Life of the Population as the Condition of Ensuring Social Safety (of Materials of Social Research) // Humanitarian Vector. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 3. PP. 27–34. DOI: 10/21209/1996-7853-2018-13-3-27-34. |
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DOI | 10/21209/1996-7853-2018-13-3-27-34 |
UDK | 330.53 |
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Annotation | Research objective is assessment of quality of life of the population as conditions of ensuring social safety on the basis of opinions of respondents on providing municipal services by regional authorities in various spheres of activity. Various techniques of assessment of development of the person and society are developed and function in modern science. One of such techniques is assessment of quality of life as satisfactions with the personality with realization of material and spiritual needs, conditions of the activity. This assessment reveals the population relation to activity of authorities which purpose is ensuring worthy quality of life as an indicator of level of social safety. It is emphasized that social safety, its state, level in a modern civilization is a condition of improvement of quality of life. Assessment of quality of life on the basis of assessment of satisfaction with the population with activity of municipalities allows us to allocate problem points, to define the prospects of development. Assessment of quality of life as conditions of ensuring social safety in this research was carried out on the basis of the subjective data characterizing activity of authorities. The methodological base of a research was made by the person in the center approach within which it is estimated as far as the service conforms to requirements of the consumer, and the consumer is satisfied with activity of the organization providing service; concepts of quality of life, social safety, human capital basis of the subjective data characterizing activity of authorities. |
Key words | quality of life, level of living, satisfaction, quality of services, social safety |
Article information | |
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Full article | Assessment of Quality of Life of the Population as the Condition of Ensuring Social Safety (of Materials of Social Research) |