Article name Basic Signs of the Borrowed Concept of Soldier in Russian Linguoculture (According to Lexicographical Sources)
Authors Bodrikov A.B.Candidate of Philology
Bibliographic description Bodrikov A. B. Basic signs of the Borrowed Concept of Soldier in Russian Linguoculture (According to Lexicographical Sources) // Humanitarian Vector. 2023. Vol. 18, no. 4. P. 94–104. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853- 2023-18-4-94-104.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2023-18-4-94-104
UDK 81`27
Article type Original article
Annotation The relevance of the research is that the first two stages of the development of the soldier concept structure are traced ‒ from its motivating signs to conceptual signs in two periods: the 18th ‒ 19th centuries and the modern one. Addressing the topic of the development of the basic signs of the soldier concept is the scientific novelty of the research. The purpose of this article is to describe the basic signs in the structure of the soldier concept. It is necessary to solve two problems: 1. Determine the list of motivating signs of the soldier concept. 2. Identify the conceptual signs of the soldier concept in two frames: a. in the period of the 18th – 19th centuries; b. during the 20th – 21st centuries. There are no works (except for four articles) in modern linguistics in which the soldier concept became the object of study. The article uses component analysis method, descriptive, conceptual and interpretive methods. The research material is 26 dictionaries of the Russian language. Research hypothesis: the soldier concept is a special type of the borrowed evolving concept. It can be traced in three aspects: 1. The number of motivators differs from the number of conceptual signs upward (12 versus 15 at the first stage and 23 at the second stage of the formation of conceptual signs, respectively). 2. 10 motivating signs and three conceptual signs of the period 18th ‒ 19th centuries are not mentioned in the explanatory dictionaries of the modern Russian language; however, the data of the National Corpus of the Russian language show their relevance. 3. The total number of conceptual signs of the soldier concept according to lexicographic sources and language material from the National Corpus of the Russian Language was 46 signs, represented by nine blocks. The number of new conceptual signs indicates the expansion of the scope of their functioning. Prospects for the study ‒ the definition of figurative, categoric and symbolic signs of the soldier concept.
Key words concept, motivating signs, conceptual signs, concept structure, language picture of the world, linguoculture
Article information
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Full articleBasic Signs of the Borrowed Concept of Soldier in Russian Linguoculture (According to Lexicographical Sources)