Article name Generic Metaphors Among Other Types of Metaphors as Ways of Describing War in Modern Media
Authors Pimenova M.V.Doctor of Philology, Professor, Rector
Bibliographic description Pimenova M. V. Generic Metaphors Among other Types of Metaphors as Ways of Describing War in Modern Media // Humanitarian Vector. 2023. Vol. 18, no. 4. P. 124–131. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2023-18-4-124-131.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2023-18-4-124-131
UDK 81`27
Article type Original article
Annotation The article analyzes different types of metaphors used in the media to describe the war. The purpose of the article is to identify the most frequent types of war metaphors, isolating one of the most ancient ways of actualizing the war concept ‒ a generic metaphor. The relevance of the undertaken research is determined by the appeal to various types of erased metaphors that are actively used in the media to refer to both the wars themselves and to describe the strategies and tactics of warfare, naming people who are in certain relationships during the war, as well as those events that are metaphorically presented as a war. The scientific novelty consists in the introduction into scientific circulation of the terms generic code of linguoculture and social code of linguoculture, actively involved in the descriptions of both war and civilian life, not only in the media, but also in any type of discourse. Objectives of the article: 1. To identify the specifics of the implementation of the generic code of Russian linguoculture on the example of media discourse about the war; 2. To present a classification of different types of war metaphors in the newspapers “Parliamentary Bulletin” and “Vedomosti”; 3. To correlate metaphors with symbols of Russian linguoculture. The article analyzes several types of erased metaphors, a special place among which is occupied by generic, social and theomorphic, which retain their productivity in modern media. The topic raised has not been previously addressed in the scientific literature; this is the novelty of the study. Main methods: analytical, descriptive and interpretive. The study noted ten main metaphors that actualize the war concept in the media discourse: generic, social, theomorphic, thread and theater metaphors (in which the metaphor of puppets is hidden), ritual, traditional, game. The war concept in Russian linguoculture is actualized by erased metaphors. The perspective of the study is the description of different types of metaphors in other types of discourses, individual genres, author’s language pictures of the world.
Key words erased metaphor, linguocultural code, media discourse, linguistic picture of the world, linguoculture
Article information
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Full articleGeneric Metaphors Among Other Types of Metaphors as Ways of Describing War in Modern Media