Article name Adaptation of International Military Cadets to the Host Environment of Russian Military Universities in the Context of Foreign Theories of Ethnic Migration
Authors Zhukov A.V.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor
Kovalev V.A.Degree Seeker
Bibliographic description Zhukov A. V., Kovalev V. A. Adaptation of International Military Cadets to the Host Environment of Russian Military Universities in the Context of Foreign Theories of Ethnic Migration // Humanitarian Vector. 2024. Vol. 19, no. 1. P. 122–131. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2024-19-1-122-131.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2024-19-1-122-131
UDK 21 (316.77)
Article type Original article
Annotation The article discusses theoretical aspects of the problem of research on the adaptation of international cadets, which, according to the authors, consists in finding a way out of the contradiction between the concept of full assimilation of migrants and the concept of preserving the personal beginning. The object of the study is the adaptation of international cadets in a foreign cultural environment. The subject of the article is the explanatory potential of the theories of ethnic migration, revealed in the context of the discussion of adaptation of international cadets of military universities. The aim of the article is to substantiate the position that in the conditions of intensification of digitalization processes there is a radical revision of assessments of adaptation of international military cadets, who, while participating in professional assimilation, continue to be members of transnational communities, united with both the host environment and their traditional ethnic environment. The method is a comparative analysis of the conceptual content of the theories of migration and socialization, taking into account their applicability to explain the processes of adaptation of adults in a non-ethnic environment. The authors prove that in the XXI century the attitude to the problem of assimilation of international cadets of a military university is changing, as they are recognized as transmigrants, i. e. participants of transnational communities, united both with the host society and with their traditional ethnic environment through electronic networks. The theoretical significance of the article lies in the proof of the idea that in modern conditions foreign cadets of a military university are carriers of identities of different levels, which are included in the structure of social, economic, and political life of different societies. The practical significance of the article lies in the proposal of adaptation strategies based on the belief that migrants have a sustainable desire for re-socialization and consciously choose the path of professional assimilation in the military environment of cadets, which does not mean that this process they associate with the need to abandon ethnic values and traditions of the sending community.
Key words international cadets, migrants, transmigrants, socialization, adaptation, assimilation, foreign cultural environment
Article information
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Full articleAdaptation of International Military Cadets to the Host Environment of Russian Military Universities in the Context of Foreign Theories of Ethnic Migration