Article name Russian-Spanish Relations During the Development of North American Territories in the Second Half of the 18th century
Authors Neshkes O.V.
Bibliographic description Neshkes O. V. Russian-Spanish Relations During the Development of North American Territories in the Second Half of the 18th Century // Humanitarian Vector. 2024. Vol. 19, no. 2. P. 134–141. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2024-19-2-134-140.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2024-19-2-134-141
UDK 94
Article type Original article
Annotation The article is about the relations between Russia and Spain in the second half of the 18th century. The article identifies the factors that influenced the nature of the emerging interaction between the powers: it shows the ambivalence of Russian-Spanish relations, on the one hand, due to the growing fears of the Spanish authorities provoked by Russia’s advance towards California, and, on the other, to the development of mutually beneficial trade relations. We draw attention to aspects related to Russia’s discovery of the Aleutian archipelago and Alaska and the activity of Russian merchants. The reaction of the Spanish court to messages of Spanish diplomats in Russia about Russian discoveries in America is shown. The analysis of the texts of diplomatic reports (1761−1792) has shown that the Spanish ambassadors were skeptical about the success of Russian expeditions to the American continent but changed their mind in the second half of 1760s. The article also examines the trade and economic aspect in the relations between the powers, showing the intention of Spain and Russia to establish direct trade. At the same time, we note that the nature of such interaction was influenced by the general political situation, which was determined by the leading powers of that time. The article has been written using historical and philological methods and approaches and aims to show the various aspects and stages of Russian-Spanish relations during the period of colonization of the Northwest of America. The results of the study can be used in practical activities of diplomatic services within the framework of international dialogue.
Key words Russia, Spain, colonization, Northwest of America, trade relations
Article information
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Full articleRussian-Spanish Relations During the Development of North American Territories in the Second Half of the 18th century