Article name The Category of Mood and Phrasal Particles as Ways of Expressing Modality in Different Types of Languages
Authors Naumenko S.V.Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor
Simatova S.A.Graduate Student
Bibliographic description
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Annotation The paper is devoted to one of the most complicated phenomenon of the language – the category of modality and ways of its representation. The paper describes the category of mood in Russian and in English in comparison with the language belonging to a different type, the Chinese language. The paper examines modal phrasal particles as one of the most frequent ways of expressing modality in Chinese and describes the meanings of the two Chinese particles (啊and呢) and examples of their usage.
Key words modality, ways of expressing modality, the category of mood, modal phrasal particles, language type.
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Full articleThe Category of Mood and Phrasal Particles as Ways of Expressing Modality in Different Types of Languages