Article name Author’s Fiction and Non-Fiction Prose in the Narrative System of the Literary Museum
Authors Romantsova T.D.Candidate of Philology
Bibliographic description Romantsova T. D. Author’s Fiction and Non-Fiction Prose in the Narrative System of the Literary Museum // Humanitarian Vector. 2024. Vol. 19, no. 4. P. 80–90. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2024-19-4-80-90.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2024-19-4-80-90
UDK 069.02:908+070.1+82.3
Article type
Annotation The article specifies the concept of narrative in relation to the museum sphere as a space of new media. The article describes the narratives of museum communication that actualize the conceptual meanings of Valentin Rasputin’s prose. We show how an integral museum narrative is formed on the basis of the author’s fiction and non-fiction texts with grammatically, structurally and functionally complex narrative. In the structure of the integral museum narrative the attention is focused on the excursion narrative consisting of a set of biographical and a set of “creative” narratives. We propose to distinguish biographical and “creative” narratives by sign-semiotic nature, subjective representation of the narrator, nature of exposition space coverage, authenticity, method of reflecting reality, type of authorship, main function, and stylistic design. The paper demonstrates how the excursion narrative is strategically and situationally supplemented by official, artistic, folklore, everyday, scientific narratives from non-museum communicative environments of the city and region. In addition to the structure of the integral narrative, its specific features are systematized and described. We show that the integral narrative in the space of the literary museum 2.0 is characterized by subjectivity, self-value, processuality, multimedia; it has interpretative and value-normative potential. The communicative goals, genres, constructive and rhetorical and stylistic features of corporate narrative and narrative of online and offline audiences are described. In accordance with the objectives of the research, the method of comparing the narratives of two institutional environments of a single digital space, – museum and mass-media, is used to examine the similar characteristics of museum and mass-media discourses, and to identify the extralinguistic, text-forming, content, and technological reasons for this similarity. The whole museum narrative is presented as a polyphonic, multi-genre, multi-object communicative product organized on the structural and semiotic principles of media storytelling. The author outlines the prospects for the study of the narrative toolkit of mass media, which actualizes the artistic and social meanings of the author’s text in the interregional real and virtual space of Siberian literary museums.
Key words new media, V. G. Rasputin museum, media narrative, museum narrative, axiology of narrative, semiotics of narrative, storytelling strategy
Article information
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Full articleAuthor’s Fiction and Non-Fiction Prose in the Narrative System of the Literary Museum