Article name Concept of Transhumanity of Nick Bostrom
Authors Erdeneev E.T.Senior Teacher
Bibliographic description Erdeneev E. T. Concept of Transhumanity of Nick Bostrom // Humanitarian Vector. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 3. PP. 90–95. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2018-13-3-90-95.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2018-13-3-90-95
UDK 330.567.2.4
Article type
Annotation At the present stage of development of humanity, there are new technologies of improvement of the person connected with overcoming aging and death. It is already senseless to deny the prospects of improvement of the person, objective assessment of influence on the person of various technological influences is necessary. In the second half of the XXth century, there was a new philosophical and futurological doctrine in science, i. e. transhumanity which purpose was an improvement of human life. An objective of this research is to analyze transhumanity in N. Bostrom’s understanding. The principles of system, structurally functional, comparative-historical approaches were a methodological basis of the research. N. Bostrom considers transhumanity as the philosophical and culturological doctrine, which is directed to change of position of the person that assumes a stop of process of its aging, increase in intellectual, physical and psychological capacities of the person, by use of modern technologies, ensuring worthy quality of life. Unlike many scientists considering artificial intelligence only as the mechanism of improvement of quality of life, N. Bostrom pays attention to the fact that the artificial intelligence can become the real phenomenon, with the requirements, the purposes, tasks among which there will be no problem of preservation of mankind. The artificial intelligence, on the one hand, can become the reason of disappearance of mankind, on the other hand, with the creation of friendly intelligence, establishment of control over use of technologies that probably will help to prevent risks of extermination of mankind.
Key words transhumanity, post-person, superreason, N. Bostrom, quality of life
Article information
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