Article name \"Execution\" in the Semiotics of Technology
Authors Nesterov A.Y.Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description Nesterov A. Yu. \"Execution\" in the Semiotics of Technology // Humanitarian Vector. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 3. PP. 111–118. DOI: 10/21209/1996-7853-2018-13-3-111-118.
DOI 10/21209/1996-7853-2018-13-3-111-118
Article type
Annotation Semiotics of technology is a direction in the philosophy of technology, removing the opposition of the Platonist and constructivist approaches to understanding the invention. The article concretizes the concept of execution as applied to the act of artistic activity and to the technical invention. Three definitions of “execution” are proposed for the number of layers of semiosis considered. The layers of semiosis are taken within the framework of the tradition of transcendentalism and include the trichotomy of sensory perception, reason and mind. It is shown that a semantic rule is meant by “execution” in each case. The concept of need is analyzed in the form of a reflexively fixed incompleteness, which provokes the actual technical semiosis. The trichotomy of physical, intellectual and spiritual needs is taken into account. The concept of technology as the “fourth kingdom” of F. Dessauer is expounded. It is shown that the syntax of technical semiosis is historically conditioned, that is, random, which allows us to interpret the “fourth kingdom” in the form of a set of pragmatic (not syntactic and not semantic) rules. The technical object as an artifact satisfying a particular human need is characterized as the least defined against the background of logic and literary creativity, which leads to the formulation of the question of the ratio of the conceivable and possible on the background of unthinkable and impossible in the history and actual practice of technical activity
Key words рhilosophy of technology, the semiotic foundations of technology, the “fourth kingdom”, execution, technical implementation
Article information
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