Article name Sociocultural Prerequisites of Emergence of the Soviet Architectural Avant-Garde Phenomenon
Authors Gatsunaev K.N.Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description Gatsunaev K. N. Sociocultural Prerequisites of Emergence of the Soviet Architectural Avant-Garde Phenomenon // Humanitarian Vector. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 3. PP. 151–158.
UDK 008:72
Article type
Annotation The object of research is evolution of sociocultural, organizational and technical, social and economic, ideological and theoretical processes in the European and domestic architecture of a turn of the 19th-20th centuries. This problem has acquired relevance in modern conditions in the context of the ideological and theoretical discussions connected with the theory and practice of postmodernism. Identification in sociocultural dynamics of those processes, which by the beginning of the 1920s became prerequisites of formation of the theoretical principles and practical methods of the Soviet architectural avant-garde is the main objective of the research. The basis of the research is formed by the system approach uniting methods of the analysis and synthesis in consideration of the main characteristics and parameters of architectural and town-planning activity in the period studied. The logical interrelation of the various factors determining crystallization of the principles of domestic constructivism (OSA) and rationalism (ASNOVA), unfortunately, has not received due consideration either in the context of architecture history or within a social-philosophical discourse. Conditions of development and realization of new architectural and town-planning approaches and the principles are investigated on the basis of the texts published by the philosophers, sociologists and the practicing architects involved in the happening process of change of esthetic, social and technological priorities. Result of the research is generalization of the diverse factors that have caused intrinsic lines and the principles of the Soviet avant-garde taking into account their divergence and sometimes mutually exclusive contents. Essentially important circumstance is emphasized: despite the need of a rupture of cultural continuity pathosly proclaimed by representatives of avant-garde, refusal of tradition, the phenomenon of architectural avant-garde itself naturally resulted from the preceding sociocultural evolution. The article focuses on major sociocultural factors that significantly affected not only the process of the Soviet avant-garde of the 1920–30s formation, but also further evolution of the world and domestic architecture.
Key words functionalism, futurism, constructivism, rationalism, garden city, modernist style
Article information
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Full articleSociocultural Prerequisites of Emergence of the Soviet Architectural Avant-Garde Phenomenon