Article name Dance as a Corporality Phenomenon on the Example of Flamenco Spanish Dance
Authors Kucherenko A.L.Postgraduate Student,
Konopleva N.A.Doctor of Culturology, Professor
Bibliographic description Kucherenko A. L., Konopleva N. A. Dance as a Corporality Phenomenon on the Example of Flamenco Spanish Dance // Humanitarian Vector. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 3. PP. 168–175. DOI: 10/21209/1996-7853-2018-13-3-168-175
DOI 10/21209/1996-7853-2018-13-3-168-175
UDK 008: 793.31(460)
Article type
Annotation The given article reviews dance in terms of corporality, paying special attention to the rhythm and plastic representations of corporality in the Spanish flamenco dance. It is stated that corporality is an integral unity of physical representation and inwardness of a personality which is the most vividly expressed in dancing. The author admits that a modern trend of the Dance Movement Therapy is aimed at reaching a harmonious integrity of physical and spiritual sides of a personality. Spanish flamenco dance is viewed as a mean of psychological relaxation and a form of physical shape maintaining, highlighting a therapeutic effect of this dance. Certain rhythm and plastic features of flamenco dance and their corresponding symbolic meanings are considered in the article. The author analyzes spiritual aspect of flamenco dance – its “duende” phenomenon which was deeply analyzed in the previous publication. The article reveals semiotic meaning of corporal representation of the specific “duende” elements in flamenco dance. Thus, imagination, inspiration, emotional give, improvisation and trans, being integral parts of the “duende” phenomenon, have their corresponding choreographic representation expressed as certain postures, gestures, face mimics, etc. The above-mentioned elements also correlate to the basic functions of the flamenco dance, fostering development of certain skills of a performer. A special attention in the article is given to the function of fitness and therapeutic effect emerging from practicing flamenco dance.
Key words Spanish flamenco dance, corporality, “duende” phenomenon elements, physical shape maintaining, sapateado, corporal plastic, Dance Movement Therapy
Article information
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Full articleDance as a Corporality Phenomenon on the Example of Flamenco Spanish Dance