Article name The Problem of Periodization of History: Single, Special and General
Authors Subbotina N.D.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor dialectica@yandex. ru
Bibliographic description Subbotina N. D. The Problem of Periodization of History: Single, Special and General // Humanitarian Vector. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 4. PP. 6–16. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2018-13-4-6-16.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2018-13-4-6-16
UDK 101.8.167
Article type
Annotation In the article, history periodization problems are analyzed. We state that K. Marx’s works have not only a formational periodization, but also at least three periodizations describing history of society as a complete system. The article studies that in a research of the structure of history (periodization), there are different approaches with different abstractness degree depending on a research object. In a variety of periodizations, there is dialectics of single, special and general. If an object is mankind history in general, the most abstract periodization (general) is created, if an object is the world system, a periodization is less abstract (special), if an object is compound world systems, their periodization is less abstract (single). Any periodization has common features. The periodization of history of any object has the right for existence. Reduction of abstractness and expansion of concreteness is transition from history philosophy to concrete history and borders of division of these sciences are not always precisely distinguishable. The periodization of development of society as a complete system, as social evolution is the most general. However, if it is about global evolution, then evolution of society will be its private stage. We also offer as one of options of general, our periodization of history depending on the specifics of prerequisites in development: development of society based on external natural prerequisites and development of society based on the social prerequisites created by society.
Key words history periodization, socioeconomic formation, world-system, single, special, the general
Article information
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Full articleThe Problem of Periodization of History: Single, Special and General