Article name The Splendors and Miseries of Geographical Determinism (Reflections about Ethnocultural Identity in the Context of the Historical Subject Problem)
Authors Chistanov M.N.Doctor of Philosophy , Associate Professor
Bibliographic description Chistanov M. N. The Splendors and Miseries of Geographical Determinism (Reflections about Ethnocultural Identity in the Context of the Historical Subject Problem) // Humanitarian Vector. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 4. PP. 28–33.DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2018-13-4-28-33.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2018-13-4-28-33
UDK 930.1: 130.2
Article type
Annotation During emergence of philosophy of history, the problem of historical subject and driving force was traditionally solved by method of geographical determinism. In the nineteenth century under the influence of Hegelian philosophy, the concept of the historical subject changed and began to be associated with ethnic groups – carriers of national spirit. It led to the emergence of a political thesis about the right of the nations for self-determination and practice of creation of the national states at first in Europe, and further around the world. In the neoliberal concepts of the twentieth century, the human individual becomes the subject of history, and this turn does traditional philosophy of history extremely vulnerable. The author tries to show theoretical and methodological restrictions of ethnocentric model of history. It is interesting but the concept of geographical determinism was out of date for a long time, this concept revives in modern conditions. In practical sense, the geographical determinism finds expression in the global project of the Eurasian Land Bridge or the New Silk Road. The author’s point is that implementation of this project leads to change of alignment of forces on the continent and would influence the nature of ethnic interactions in Eurasia. In this case, the China-centrist model of cross-cultural interaction could take the place of the model of multiculturalism, which has compromised itself. This new model leaves an ethnic component of culture out of the sphere of its attention.
Key words historical subject, multiculturalism, globalization, ethnic and cultural identity, cross-cultural interaction, geographical determinism, cultural landscape
Article information
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Full articleThe Splendors and Miseries of Geographical Determinism (Reflections about Ethnocultural Identity in the Context of the Historical Subject Problem)