Article name Development of Municipal Self-Government in Eastern Siberia in the First Half of the XIXth century
Authors Plotnikova M.M.Doctor of History, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description Plotnikova M. M. Development of Municipal Self-Government in Eastern Siberia in the First Half of the XIXth century // Humanitarian Vector. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 4. PP. 85–94. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2018-13-4-85-94.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2018-13-4-85-94
UDK 352.075.2(571.5)(091)
Article type
Annotation The relevance of this work is due to the fact that modern historians have ignored the development of municipal self-government in the East Siberian cities in the first half of the XIXth century and the fact that it was at that time that the peculiarities of the regional policy of the Russian Empire began to form. The method of historicism and comparative approach allowed us to trace the dynamics of development and regional specificity. A distinctive feature of the development of municipal self-government at that time in Eastern Siberia was the fact that it took place not only in the Municipal regulations of 1785, but also in accordance with the administrative and territorial reforms implemented in the region. In 1804, Krasnoyarsk became the County town of Tomsk province and the Krasnoyarsk city Duma was opened. In 1851, the Yakutsk region was separated from the Irkutsk province, and in 1856, the General Directorate of Eastern Siberia renamed the Yakutsk city hall into the Yakutsk city Duma. The purpose of the Siberian reform of M. M. Speransky in 1822 was to change the governance of Siberia as a whole. However, this led to the reformation of the municipal self-government of Siberian cities formed in accordance with the Municipal regulations of 1785. The General city Duma was abolished and it optimized the number of deputies that were dependent on the city size. According to the State, populous cities should have elected the city Duma of 4 deputies and the mayor’s office in medium-sized cities remained in the town hall in sparsely populated cities, the starosta managed the city’s affairs. The author highlights that by the mid-nineteenth century there was a regional approach to municipal self-government in the Russian Empire.
Key words municipal self-government, Eastern Siberia, administrative-territorial development, “Siberian” reforms by M. M. Speransky, the first half of the XIXth century
Article information
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