Article name “The Tsar Is Far Away, and God Is High Above…” (from the History of Interrelations of Secular Power and the Clergy in the Yakutsk Region)
Authors Yurganova I.I.Doctor of History
Bibliographic description Yurganova I. I. “The Tsar Is Far Away, and God Is High Above…” (from the History of Interrelations of Secular Power and the Clergy in the Yakutsk Region) // Humanitarian Vector. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 4. PP. 102–109. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2018-13-4-102-109.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2018-13-4-102-109
UDK 322(571.56)
Article type
Annotation The article examines the relationship of secular power represented by voyevodas and governors and the clergy in one of the most remote outskirts of the Russian state – the Yakut region. In the context of the theory of imperial regionalism, on the basis of the civilizational paradigm, conflicts were identified that took place both under reforms and in connection with interpersonal relations. It is shown that lack of control and abuses by voyevodas at the stage of military and administrative development of the province are replaced by attempts of the regional civil authorities to restrict the movement of parochial clergy members and to reduce the number of church parochial schools. Participation in the resolution of conflicts of the highest officials of the empire of the 19th – early 20th centuries was established. The leading role of the state in all the main activities of the church and the subordination of the church tasks to state policy are substantiated, taking into account the territorial and climatic features of living in the conditions of the Far North. A conclusion is drawn that it was necessary to organize on-site institutes as conductors of imperial policy and ideology, the main purpose of which was the assertion of state unity. Evidently, the spread of Orthodox Christianity on the newly acquired territories primarily represented part of the state policy of the Russian Empire and an element of incorporation into the Russian statehood.
Key words Yakut district, church administration, ecclesiastical government, visitations of parishes by priests
Article information
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Full article“The Tsar Is Far Away, and God Is High Above…” (from the History of Interrelations of Secular Power and the Clergy in the Yakutsk Region)