Article name The British Missionary Project in Transbaikalia (1817–1840)
Authors Smirnova I.Y.Doctor of History
Bibliographic description Smirnova I. Yu. The British Missionary Project in Transbaikalia (1817–1840) // Humanitarian Vector. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 4. PP. 110–118. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2018-13-4-110-118.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2018-13-4-110-118
UDK 94(571.55)
Article type
Annotation New archival materials show the role of the British missionary movement in the 19th century as an important tool of the foreign policy, when the work of religious missions in different regions was subordinated to a unified strategy of British colonial policy. British proselytism was aimed at the formation of the Protestant commons as reliable channels of influence in regions that were in the sphere of geopolitical interests of Great Britain. One of the missionary centers conceived by the strategists of British policy as the base platform for penetrating into Qing China was the British mission in Transbaikalia (1817–1840). It served as an example for studying the principles, practices and tasks of the London Missionary Society branches, as well as other Protestant missions that operated in Russia in the first half of the 19th century. There were also attempts of the leadership of the London Society to spread the Gospel to the resumption of the activities of Protestant missions after the Crimean War in Russia and the response measures of the Russian government and the Russian Orthodox Church. The results of the activities of the first British missionaries in Transbaikalia allow us to recognize the project of the London missionary society, which was designed for a long-term perspective. It was not fully realized but did not lose its value despite the closure of the mission. Approaches and methods of representatives of the western powers in their church policy demand serious scientific analysis necessary for understanding the development of intercivilization and cross-cultural tendencies in the modern world.
Key words missionary work, Protestantism, London missionary society, Holy Synod, British ecclesiastical mission in Transbaikalia
Article information
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