Article name A Perfect Teacher: to the 90th Anniversary of the Birth of Doctor of History, Professor Viktor Grigorievich Tyukavkin
Authors Zandanova L.V.Doctor of History, Professor
Kulakova Y.V.Postgraduate
Bibliographic description Zandanova L. V., Kulakova Ya. V. A Perfect Teacher: to the 90th Anniversary of the Birth of Doctor of History, Professor Viktor Grigorievich Tyukavkin // Humanitarian Vector. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 4. PP. 177–183. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2018-13-4-177-183.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2018-13-4-177-183
UDK 378.637(571.53)(092)
Article type
Annotation The article is dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the native of Transbaikalia, a prominent scientist, Doctor of History, Professor Viktor Grigorievich Tyukavkin. The authors summarized the available research about the scientist, introduced little-known biographical information into the scientific circulation and showed the main milestones of his biography. The period of V.G Tyukavkin’s life in Irkutsk is considered in more details, as he worked at the Irkutsk State Pedagogical Institute (1954–1974) and became a teacher and a scientist. At that time, Viktor Grigorievich carried out great pedagogical and scientific activities, developed close contacts with the educational institutions of the region and disseminated historical knowledge and preserving important cultural monuments for the city. The further activity of the scientist was continued at the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after V. I. Lenin (now MSPU), where V. G. Tyukavkin for 26 years headed the Department of History of Russia (pre-Soviet period). V. G. Tyukavkin is the author of numerous scientific publications and textbooks, the organizer of a number of scientific conferences, he consolidated the Russian historical community in terms of studying topical issues of agrarian history. Summarizing the article, the authors note the contribution of V. G. Tyukavkin to the development of Russian science and education, the preparation of qualified pedagogical and scientific personnel.
Key words
Article information
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Full articleA Perfect Teacher: to the 90th Anniversary of the Birth of Doctor of History, Professor Viktor Grigorievich Tyukavkin