Article name Features of Information Potential in a Newspaper Article
Authors Dorzhieva D.T.Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description Dorzhieva D. Ts. Features of Information Potential in a Newspaper Article // Humanitarian Vector. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 5. PP. 41–49. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2018-13-5-41-49.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2018-13-5-41-49
UDK 81
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the research of information potential in the newspaper article. By information potential, we mean the amount and quality of information that the text contains. Research of category of information reliability in the newspaper text allows us to reveal specifics and ways of information potential increase in the analytical text. The categories of accuracy and informativity complement the category of information reliability and ensure its implementation. To determine the information potential of a newspaper text in its analysis, two main factors must be taken into account: 1) the source of information and the degree of its reliability; 2) methods of presenting information, i. e. the implementation of categories of accuracy and informativity. The study found that the main source of information in the newspaper article is a logical conclusion based on data obtained from other sources. The reliability of such information depends on the credibility of the source and the degree of trust in it by both the sender and the recipient. The author indicates the source of the data either by direct reference or by citation. It was found that the author’s indication of what data in the article are not officially confirmed, can cause the trust of the sender and significantly increase the degree of reliability of the information. In order to disclose the information potential, a comparative analysis of three newspaper articles devoted to one event was carried out.
Key words information potential, newspaper text, article, category of information reliability, category of information accuracy, category of informativity
Article information
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