Article name Fake as an Anti-Source of Information: a Risk for Professional Standards of Journalism
Authors Il’chenko S.N.Doctor of Philology
Bibliographic description Il’chenko S. N. Fake as an Anti-Source of Information: a Risk for Professional Standards of Journalism // Humanitarian Vector. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 5. PP. 70–76. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2018-13-5-70-76.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2018-13-5-70-76
UDK 070.16
Article type
Annotation The article deals with such phenomenon in the practice of modern media as fake. At present, a segment of professional activities of media workers, fake journalism, has been formed, which has both text messages and video as “sources”. The author directly links the emergence of such a situation with the functioning of such a phenomenon as show civilization. The problem directly concerns the credibility of journalism as a sphere of translation of texts and meanings. In such a situation, the principal point indicating the necessary qualifications of the journalist is his skills of identification of fakes, the disclosure of their inadequate nature in relation to reality, the introduction of professional practice of methods of protection and opposition to this type of information manipulation. The article offers specific methods of formation of professional competence of media workers based on active analysis of fakes as a basic empirical material. The author gives a methodological justification not only for the possible effectiveness of the use of fakes, but also provides recommendations for the expansion of the experimental base by activating concrete examples not only from the practice of modern media but also from other types of communication information exchange (for example, cinema). Particular attention is paid in the process of implementing the proposed methodology to the analysis of the possibilities and costs of network information space, which is a variety of options and models of information fake (both text and visual).
Key words fake, show civilization, media, education, journalism, information, truthfulness
Article information
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Full articleFake as an Anti-Source of Information: a Risk for Professional Standards of Journalism