Article name On Cossack Ataman Semenov’s Political Conception of “Russizm”
Authors Mertsalov V.I.Doctor of History, Professor
Bibliographic description Mertsalov V. I. On Cossack Ataman Semenov’s Political Conception of “Russizm” // Humanitarian Vector. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 6. PP. 12–21. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2018-13-6-12-21.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2018-13-6-12-21
UDK 94(47+57):323
Article type
Annotation A historical-comparative method was used in the article to analyze a conception content based on modernization theory. It was preceded by text identity verification of the first and the latest memoirs edition published and revealing the main part of the concept and its text fragments which were disseminated in various chapters of the book. The author concluded that G. M. Semenov’s recognition of peasants’ demands legality on agrarian problem provided the basis for his “Russizm” conception. But he did not recognize people’s right to historic choice of political power and did not agree with their final transition to the side of the Soviets. As ataman Semenov considered Russia being occupied by the Bolsheviks, in the end he found himself on the side of Russian enemies – Nazi Germany, fascist Italy and militarist Japan. By his own example G. M Semenov convincingly proved the idea that both absolute anti-communism and anti-Sovietism inevitably turn into anti-Russian politics. The state system concept proposed by ataman Semenov was developed to replace Soviet statehood. It can be characterized as a totalitarian one with the features of Cossack-peasant traditionalism. Political principles that he proclaimed could function in his model in an extremely limited way, combining with parliamentary and party system collapse. G. M. Semenov just criticized the Soviet policy of industrialization, but did not set forth the fateful problem of transforming Russia into industrial power. His concept does not contain any valid argument to address the challenges of the world history of the twentieth century, thus being significantly interior in all respects to the Soviet project of modernizing Russia, and revealing the futility of all innovative attempts of the White émigrés after the Russian Revolution.
Key words Cossack Ataman Semenov, Cossack Ataman Semenov’s memoirs, political concept of “Russizm”, totalism, fascism and Nazism, sovereign rights of people
Article information
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