Article name Transbaikalia – Terra Incognita Book Review: History of Transbaikalia (from Ancient tTmes to 1917) by A. V. Konstantinov, N. N. Konstantinova
Authors Kuras L.V.Doctor of History, Professor
Vanchikova T.P.Doctor of History, Professor
Bibliographic description Kuras L. V., Vanchikova Ts. P. Transbaikalia – Terra Incognita. Book Review: History of Transbaikalia (from Ancient Times to 1917) by A. V. Konstantinov, N. N. Konstantinova // Humanitarian Vector. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 6. PP. 151–156. DOI: 21209/1996-7853-2018-13-6-152-156.
DOI 21209/1996-7853-2018-13-6-152-156
UDK 94(41/99) (049.32)(571.55)
Article type
Annotation In the article, the book written by A. V. Konstantinov and N. N. Konstantinova is analyzed. It is dedicated to the history of Transbaikal region from ancient times up to 1917. It consists of three parts (13 chapters). For its compiling, quite a large historiographical material has been systematized. The review gives a detailed description of this work by chapters and sections, the purpose of which was to give an overview sketch of the history of the region. It is noted that the themes related to the assimilation of the territory of Transbaikal region and consistent construction of fortresses (ostrogs), which became the prototypes of the cities of the region, administrative and commercial and industrial centers, are of great interest. Reviewers note that the third section of the manual, covering the history of Transbaikal region within the Russian Empire from the beginning of the 18th century to 1917, is the most informative, while expressing the wish for the possibility of allocating a separate chapter for the materials about autochthonous population of the region and its incorporation into the Imperial system of power. The authors of the article believe that the textbook, intended for study in higher and secondary educational institutions, meets all the requirements for textbooks, and testifies to the scientific competence and book culture of its authors.
Key words Transbaikalia, Historical Sketch, Territory Development, Construction of Prisons, Russian Empire
Article information
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Full articleTransbaikalia – Terra Incognita Book Review: History of Transbaikalia (from Ancient tTmes to 1917) by A. V. Konstantinov, N. N. Konstantinova