Article name Multimodality of the 18th Century French Encyclopedia “Double-Spread” Title (the Frontispiece and the Title Page)
Authors Gerasimova S.A.Candidate of Philology
Bibliographic description Gerasimova S. A. Multimodality of the 18th Century French Encyclopedia “Double-Spread” Title (the Frontispiece and the Title Page) // Humanitarian Vector. 2018. Vol. 13, No.1. PP. 88–95. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2018-13-1-88-95.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2018-13-1-88-95
UDK 81`42
Article type
Annotation The research which results are presented in the article is congruent with current issues related to the popular science discourse space investigation and refers to the subject area of semiotics. The article analyzes the phenomenon of multimodality of the 18th century French Encyclopedia paratext elements – the frontispiece and the title page, which form a double-spread title page. The significance of these elements for understanding the reference edition by a potential reader is reasoned. The structural and semantic relations of the iconic and verbal components of the double-spread title in the Encyclopedia of D. Diderot and J. d’Alembert are described. It is proved that the frontispiece and the title page act as a single visual, semantic and functional whole and provide a comprehensive pragmatic impact on the addressee. It is specified that the unity of verbal and figurative components helps to express the semantic specificity of the text, to understand the most important components of the largest reference edition structure of the 18th century, its aesthetic information. At the same time, the structural and semantic relations of the Encyclopedia iconic and verbal components are characterized by their independence and as having semantic autonomy outside the context of each other. A new relationship emerges between individual semiotic systems, and this suggests multimodality as an important feature of the involved paratextual elements. Multimodality of the “Encyclopedia or a Systematic Dictionary of the Sciences, Arts, and Crafts” allows us to talk about it as a multifaceted text phenomenon.
Key words the Encyclopedia of D. Diderot and J. d’Alembert, multimodality, double-spread title page, frontispiece, title page
Article information
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Full articleMultimodality of the 18th Century French Encyclopedia “Double-Spread” Title (the Frontispiece and the Title Page)