Article name Conflict of World Outlooks in Journalism: Historical and Theoretical Aspects
Authors Marchenko A.N.Manager of Research Department
Bibliographic description Marchenko A. N. Conflict of World Outlooks in Journalism: Historical and Theoretical Aspects // Humanitarian Vector. 2018. Vol. 13, No.1. PP. 112–120.
UDK 070
Article type
Annotation A conflict of world outlooks in journalism is actualized in contemporary post secular world, where there is reappraisal of values hierarchy of public rationality and belief elements in mass consciousness. In the article, the conflict is defined as the media environment and the content of public conflict of different world outlooks. Historical and theoretical study of the conflict between V. Belinsky and N. Gogol on social significance of the “Selected Passages from Correspondence with his Friends” in today’s context of conflict between profane and sacred value systems in Russian journalism was based on three groups of evidences. The study includes Belinsky and Gogol publications and letters, some journalism theoretical works in the 1990s–2010s, more than 100 Russian journalistic texts in the 2014s–2017s, in particular, works on the Russian Defense Ministry Tu-154 crash on December 25, 2016. The findings show that absolutized value systems and polarized ideals occur when the facts are very significant for society. Journalists develop and protect the world outlooks, which relate them with their audience and criticize the opposite views. In historical development of social awareness, different world outlooks interact and do not contradict one another. Social function of the conflict is inclusion of audience into the process of forming world outlook dominants for the future of society, which, in their turn, have stages of their life cycles in the media. Social significance of the conflict can be increased by social understanding based on the unity of different constructive values of conflicting world outlooks.
Key words theory of journalism, axiology, values, media sphere, functionalism, critical discourse analysis
Article information
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