Article name Lexical Features of Free-Indirect Discourse of Andrei Kolesnikov’s Reports
Authors Teplyashina A.N.Doctor of Philology, Professor
Bibliographic description Teplyashina A. N. Lexical Features of Free-Indirect Discourse of Andrei Kolesnikov’s Reports // Humanitarian Vector. 2018. Vol. 13, No.1. PP. 136–143.
UDK 070.4
Article type
Annotation The article contains a description of some key issues of media text. These questions are related to the category of free-indirect discourse. Discourse is considered as a collection of author’s markers. Markers create an emotional space for reporting. Markers construct reader’s perception. The article describes the possibilities of free-indirect discourse. This discourse is based on the functions of the narrator. This discourse is also based on sense-forming functions of the reportage. The article discusses the use of narrative on the example of a political journalist A. Kolesnikov’s report. In the article features of irony, displays of irony are considered. The examples from A. Kolesnikov’s texts are given. We see how the journalist demonstrates his observations on politicians. We see how effectively reality is depicted. In some cases, when the journalist creates his own image, it is about self-irony. A feature of discourse is the literary style. There is no vernacular, invective vocabulary. Vocabulary shows a significant repertoire of means of creating irony. Irony is seen as a conceptual way of expressing the worldview. Narrative media text imitates the canonical communicative situation. In the unconventional narrative, the reader comes to the fore. To attract the attention of the reader is the super task of the journalist. The fulfillment of this task depends on the mode of perception of the world. It is important to know the author’s attitude to the subject of speech, to the context. Interpretation modes should correspond to the author’s position.
Key words free-indirect discourse, reportage, narrator, narrative, deixis, irony, improperly direct speech
Article information
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Full articleLexical Features of Free-Indirect Discourse of Andrei Kolesnikov’s Reports