Article name Hunting as Person’s Reflection in Conceptualized Sphere of Specialized Magazine Discourse
Authors Erofeeva I.V.Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor
Bocharnikov V.N.Doctor of Biology, Professor
Bibliographic description Erofeeva I. V., Bocharnikov V. N. Hunting as Person’s Reflection in Conceptualized Sphere of Specialized Magazine Discourse // Humanitarian Vector. 2018. Vol. 13, No.1. PP. 144–152. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2018-13-1-144-152.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2018-13-1-144-152
UDK 811: 002. 703.0
Article type
Annotation The paper presents linguocultural analysis of discourse of magazines Osnovnoy instinkt, Russkiy okhotnichiy zhurnal, Safari. We have studied the etymology of the concept ‘okhota’ (hunting). The method we applied involved the analysis of more than 70 media texts of different genres published in 2013–2017, and determination of the main frames in conceptual sphere of ‘hunting’ as a geographical space which is in demand, as a social and cultural construct reflecting the hunter’s needs in direct and indirect contexts. We characterize the revealed frames of conceptualized sphere of ‘hunting’, which simultaneously represent personal constructs and the national world model. Hunting as a concept reveals different levels of basic human needs, objectifies sources of his activity as a personality, reflects a hierarchy of values of a separate man and society in general, i. e. some common beliefs, ideals, inclinations and interests. The key image accumulating the concept’s cognitive inventory is the hunter’s personality, the key construct is a seme of “awakening the personal potential by means of hunting”, recognition and opening oneself when dealing with the nature. Media discourse on hunting demonstrates person’s reflection on important categories of his existence, reveals person’s attitude to himself and the others. The person and hunting are certainly connected through the categories of creativity and freedom, as well as via overwhelming life and death dichotomy. As a result, the conceptualized scheme of ‘hunting’ consists of a number of frames of multidimensional character: recreational (hunting as type of leisure and recreation); natural (hunting a basic need in food, protection, realization of aggressive instinct, i. e. tracking and chasing of game); social (hunting as social employment, as demonstration of a certain status, as an income job); cultural (hunting as a ritual activity, as a tradition of separate nationalities).
Key words media text, hunting, concept, frame, national model of the world, self-actualization, personal representation
Article information
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Full articleHunting as Person’s Reflection in Conceptualized Sphere of Specialized Magazine Discourse