Article name On the Individualization of the Sacred Name (the Case of the Names of Saints in the Calendar of the Russian Orthodox Church)
Authors Kamalova A.A.Doctor of Philology, Professor
Bibliographic description Kamalova A. A. On the Individualization of the Sacred Name (the Case of the Names of Saints in the Calendar of the Russian Orthodox Church) // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 5. PP. 6–12. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-5-6-12.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-5-6-12
UDK 801.82
Article type
Annotation The Orthodox Church calendar is a valuable source for studying the sacred onomasticon. It contains a large number of “memories” of the Christian saints. The article is devoted to the description of the structure and content of components of the name of saints – agioanthroponyms. The methodological basis of the research is the techniques and methods of onomastics, the direction of research corresponds to the tasks of theological linguistics. At the first step in the study of anthroponyms, the origins of a personal name are revealed, it can be baptismal, monastic, schematic, generic or dynastic. The second step of the study is devoted to the structure of the agioanthroponyms and the content of the components. The author gives examples of two-component and multi-component agioantroponims. The meaning and role of the components is revealed through a comparative analysis of the structure of the saint’s name. The author draws a comparative analysis in describing agioanthroponyms, which contain the same personal names (Varlaam, Vasily). The function of the rank of holiness in the composition of agioanthroponyms is commented on. The multicomponent nature of the agioanthroponym is based on the example of the holy name Blessed Vasily, the holy fool for Christ, the Moscow miracle worker. The structure of an agiognomyanimus blessed Vasily, the holy fool of Christ, the Moscow Wonderworker includes 5 components: the rank of holiness + a personal name + the rank of holiness (kontriziruyuschy) + localizer + nominator. The tradition of the multicomponent naming of saints testifies to the individualization of the sacred name in the Orthodox Church calendar. The agioanthroponym performs not only a differentiating function but also an informative one, which is the conceptual core of the description of the life of the saint and his spiritual achievement.
Key words Orthodox Church calendar, personal name, saint, structure of agioanthroponyms
Article information
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Full articleOn the Individualization of the Sacred Name (the Case of the Names of Saints in the Calendar of the Russian Orthodox Church)