Article name Conceptology at the Present Stage (Methods of Investigation of Conceptual Structures)
Authors Pimenova M.V.Doctor of Philology, Professor, Rector
Bibliographic description Pimenova M. V. Conceptology at the Present Stage (Methods of Investigation of Conceptual Structures) // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 5. PP. 13–22. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-5-13-22.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-5-13-22
UDK 81`27, 378.1
Article type
Annotation Different schools and directions in domestic linguistics assume their approach to the study of conceptual structures. This is also due to the very definition of the key term – concept. The concept is the totality of features necessary and sufficient to identify a fragment of the world or a part of such a fragment. The methodology of studying concepts in the St. Petersburg-Kemerovo school of conceptual research was gradually formed. The figurative signs of concepts were subjected to detailed study, what is called in conceptual metaphors in foreign linguistics. It turned out that “outside the analysis” remains a part of the linguistic material, which gradually became involved in the description process. Concepts differ from lexical meaning in that they retain their structure; they do not lose features included in this structure throughout the history of the people (compare with the phenomenon of the word desemantisation). The structure of concepts is only replenished by the appearance of additional features. Such replenishment depends on the development of the material and spiritual culture of the people.
Key words concept, conceptual structure, reconstruction, representative of the concept, verbalization of the concept
Article information
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Full articleConceptology at the Present Stage (Methods of Investigation of Conceptual Structures)