Article name On Some Features of Language Consciousness Transformation (The Case of Colour Lexicon in the Buryat Language)
Authors Dyrkheeva G.A.Doctor of Philology, Professor
Bibliographic description Dyrkheeva G. A. On Some Features of Language Consciousness Transformation (The Case of Colour Lexicon in the Buryat Language) // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 5. PP. 28–34. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-5-28-34.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-5-28-34
UDK 81’23=512.31
Article type
Annotation The article is about some features of transformation of the Buryat language consciousness in the conditions of the Buryat-Russian bilingualism. The analysis of associative reactions of the Buryat in the Russian and Buryat languages on the example of words of colour is submitted (white, black, yellow, red). The experiment showed possibilities of specification of a language picture of the world on an example of colour words and features of transformation of language consciousness in bilingualism, in particular, the Buryat-Russian. It confirmed that, as well as in many other languages, the Buryat colour words enter a semantic gene pool of language, thus colour and estimated semantics in this group of words merges and, generally coincides with colour symbolics of other languages, namely positive estimated semantics of white colour and negative black colour. The analyzed colours show that the first two most high-frequent associations in both languages coincide. It can be made the assumption that the force of influence of a national Buryat language code is rather high. The main distinctions between groups of associations in the Russian and Buryat languages are observed in low-frequency zones, and these divergences are connected with cultural features. The difference in reactions of the Buryat bilinguals in this or that language is connected with the language stereotypes assigned to the corresponding words which are defined by national distinctions in idea about the world and also the system and structural features of the language, for example, a polysemantics of some Buryat colour lexemes.
Key words language consciousness, colour lexeme, associative experiment, the Buryat language, the Russian language, bilingualism
Article information
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Full articleOn Some Features of Language Consciousness Transformation (The Case of Colour Lexicon in the Buryat Language)