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Article name | Life as a High Tragedy: the Problem of Religious Consciousness in Social and Political Journalism of Vadim Kozhinov |
Authors | Kolodyazhny I.V.Senior Lecturer |
Bibliographic description | Kolodyazhny I. V. Life as a High Tragedy: the Problem of Religious Consciousness in Social and Political Journalism of Vadim Kozhinov // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 5. PP. 35–40. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-5-35-40. |
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DOI | 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-5-35-40 |
UDK | 070 |
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Annotation | The article deals with the religious aspect in V. Kozhinov’s social and political journalism. The evolution of the publicist’s views on religious consciousness is shown. His thesis about the religious understanding of human existence as a tragedy is presented. According to our study, this thesis became the basis for V. Kozhinov’s historiosophical concept. Special attention is given to the publicist’s judgments devoted to modern religious consciousness. In particular, we present V. Kozhinov’s hypothesis explaining congenital loss of faith by modern people. According to him, there are irreversible changes that impede the path of modern man to God in the structure of human consciousness. We reveal the originality and depth of V. Kozhinov’s approach to this problem. In addition, the article raises the question of V. Kozhinov’s religious views. His communication with Orthodox leaders is shown. The main features of the publicist’s spiritual path are outlined. The assumption is made about the relationship between V. Kozhinov’s and F. Tyutchev’s religious attitude. It is shown that his activities are focused on the assertion of orthodox values . The conclusion can be drawn that V. Kozhinov was one of the first in modern Russian journalism who continued a tradition of old Russian historiosophy entirely based on the religious perception of the human being which had been interrupted from N. Karamzin’s time. |
Key words | social and political journalism, religious thought, spiritual search, tragedy, orthodoxy |
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Full article | Life as a High Tragedy: the Problem of Religious Consciousness in Social and Political Journalism of Vadim Kozhinov |