Article name Tactile Sensation as a Source for Verbalization of the Perceptual Field “Smell” (the Case of German)
Authors Shnyakina N.Y.Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description Shnyakina N. Y. Tactile Sensation as a Source for Verbalization of the Perceptual Field “Smell” (the Case of German) // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 5. PP. 35–40. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-5-41-50.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-5-41-51
UDK 811.112.2
Article type
Annotation The study of cognitive processes based on verbal data is the central task of cognitive linguistics. Of particular interest are synaesthetic transfers, based on the interaction of various perceptual channels: olfactory and taste, visual and auditory, visual and tactile, etc. Synaesthesia is a special form of reality cognition: this is the innate ability of man, on the one hand, and the mechanism for creating a unique imaginative effect, on the other. As a phenomenon of cognition, synaesthesia forms an interesting niche for psychologists and physiologists; the figurative potential of synaesthesia as a form of holistic perception of reality is included in the field of study of literary criticism, culturology, aesthetics and linguistics. The study of synaesthesia is interdisciplinary; it contributes to understanding the versatile and reliable knowledge about it and also allows one to penetrate into the problem of the national mentality and the essence of the mechanisms of structuring knowledge in general.The article attempts to consider the phenomenon of synaesthesia by analyzing linguistic fragments that objectify the metaphorical transfer from the field of tactile sensitivity to the field of smell. Tactile sensation forms the basis for the description of the perceptual field “odor” and as the material shows, the smell in such transfers is often associated with inhaled air and therefore has its characteristics: temperature and ability to affect human skin receptors. The main methods by which it is possible to study the mental phenomenon on the basis of linguistic objectifications are the modeling and the cognitive interpretation. Their use makes it possible to reveal the material basis of such transfers, as well as to supplement information on synaesthesia in language and mind.
Key words synaesthesia, tactile sensation, olfactory sensation, cognitive interpretation, metaphorical transfer, verbalization, perceptual modality
Article information
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Full articleTactile Sensation as a Source for Verbalization of the Perceptual Field “Smell” (the Case of German)