Article name Media Text and Hashtags: Digital Media Transformation
Authors Boguslavskaya V.V.Doctor of Philology, Professor
Boguslavskiy I.V.Doctor of Engineering Science, Professor
Bibliographic description Boguslavskaya V. V., Boguslavskiy I. V. Media Text and Hashtags: Digital Media Transformation // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 5. PP. 51–58. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-5-51-58.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-5-51-58
UDK 070.1
Article type
Annotation General trends and tendencies in media texts determined by the dynamics of media development over the last 10–15 years are revealed. New and / or changed linguistic sociocultural variables model a media text as a particular kind of text with a special type of author and a specific modality of communication in the sphere of mass communications. Infocommunication environment supplements the content of the traditional media with the content products of the new media. Digitization blurs out distinctions between media and types of media content. Mass communication becomes “customized”, “personal-niche”, which most fully conforms to interests and preferences of the user. Media text is not “recognized”, but “formed” by the reader-user. If in the journalistic text of the traditional media, three features were identified, i. e. concept – sense – text actually expressed through two sides – content and form, then in media texts, two features can be distinguished: concept – sense, three actually expressed sides – packaging (form; hashtag – visualization and systematization), content (content) and distribution (platform, channel) exchanged for “time and money”. Each edition has both common and distinguished sets of media features that affect the packaging, content, and distribution of media text. Header remains an element of a strong position, but the tendency towards brevity and addressability operates currently as a tendency to the transformation of the header into an individualized concept marker which increasingly frequently becomes a hashtag that forms an idiosyncratic “long tail” effect in media texts.
Key words media text, “niche” communication, “customized” communication, digitization, header, hashtag, marker, concept-sense-text
Article information
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Full articleMedia Text and Hashtags: Digital Media Transformation