Article name Gastronomic Media Discourse in the Context of Designing of the Interethnic Relations
Authors Reva , ; E.K.Doctor of Philology, Professor
Bibliographic description Reva E. K. Gastronomic Media Discourse in the Context of Designing of the Interethnic Relations // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 5. PP. 68–75. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-5-68-75.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-5-68-75
UDK 002
Article type
Annotation Representation of ethnoculture through a gastronomic component in mass media and mass communication is important in the context of understanding the features of national character of these or those people. In the submitted article, this hypothesis is confirmed by the analysis of materials of the websites National focus, Russia for All; special attention is paid to the content of the media project of TASS news agency ‘It is the Caucasus’. During consideration of the media texts of a gastronomic orientation the concepts ‘cookery’ and ‘gastronomy’ are differentiated, genre definition of publications is given, features of representation of ethnoculture of the people of the North Caucasus by means of functioning of such format as long read (long-form journalism) are studied. Efficiency of technical ways of information transfer (existence of images, hyperlinks) in aspect of reflection of ethno culture and designing of the interethnic relations comes to light. The concept of the research is caused by provisions of the Strategy of the state national policy of the Russian Federation for the period till 2025 and is accompanied by tasks of information support of realization of the state national policy of the Russian Federation. The conclusion can be drawn that the maintenance of a number of materials of gastronomic subject corresponds to realization of a problem of the Strategy for dissemination of knowledge about history and culture of the people of the Russian Federation, and also a task of development of ethnographic and cultural and informative tourism. Besides, in the article the prospects for further study of the gastronomic media discourse are defined. The present study is based on some researches in the field of linguistics, cultural science, ethnographies, works on the theory of journalism and mass communications.
Key words gastronomic content, media discourse, ethnoculture, representation, media
Article information
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Full articleGastronomic Media Discourse in the Context of Designing of the Interethnic Relations