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Article name | Blogosphere of the Political and Administrative Media Discourse in Aspect of Textual Criticism |
Authors | Chekunova M.A.Candidate of Philology |
Bibliographic description | Chekunova M. A. Blogosphere of the Political and Administrative Media Discourse in Aspect of Textual Criticism // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 5. PP. 76–82. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-5-76-82. |
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DOI | 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-5-76-82 |
UDK | 808 |
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Annotation | This article examines the communication of political-administrative interaction in virtual social networks through texts of the blogosphere in the Russian Internet. The author discusses blogging and miniblogs record as a multilevel phenomenon, generated with different codes and sign systems, corresponding to the leading criteria of textuality. We believe that the new motivational factors of virtual communication should include interactivity and multimedia, changing the approach to the creation and perception of political-administrative blog of text messages in synchronous and asynchronous mode, in aggregate, verbal, auditory and visual components, and also that it is impossible to consider these texts differently than a multi-level phenomenon that is generated using different codes and sign systems. Analyzing the examples, contextual support, and extra-linguistic features of the statements of this segment of the communication, the author comes to the conclusion that based on many of the defining qualities of a public blog entries of political and administrative discourse, its texts are marked by the status role of verbal behavior of representatives of the state executive power; by a combination of network mode of communication and social responsibilities, to follow the style requirements of the formal (official) communication; versatility speech utterances (information, impact, regulatory, cognitive functions), all of which seek to shape public opinion; public communication; the specifics of the compatibility of the language features of both oral and written forms of speech; certain thematic repertoire and genre fusion, and computer network mediation. |
Key words | text, political and administrative media discourse, Internet, blog, miniblog, expression |
Article information | |
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Full article | Blogosphere of the Political and Administrative Media Discourse in Aspect of Textual Criticism |