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Article name | Modern Trends in the Development of Civic Journalism on Russian Television |
Authors | Shestyorkina L.P.Doctor of Philology, Professor 250852@mail.ruSabitova A.R.Deputy Director for Organizational Development |
Bibliographic description | Shestyorkina L. P., Sabitova A. R. Modern Trends in the Development of Civic Journalism on Russian Television // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 5. PP. 83–88. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-5-83-88. |
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DOI | 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-5-83-88 |
UDK | 004.738.5 |
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Annotation | The relevance of the article is because social problems in Russia are still acute, and in some cases are intensifying. Hence, the logical assumption is that on Russian television, social themes should also be given increasing attention. The aim of the research is to analyze the state of civic journalism on the leading Russian TV channels and to predict the vector of its further development. We answer the following questions in our work: what is meant by civic journalism, what are the tasks before it, what is the peculiarity of television as a media channel, how is this topic reflected on traditional television, what is television, as such, in which direction it develops, what opportunities it gives for civic journalism. The work used both theoretical and empirical methods of investigation. As a result of the research, the activities of Channel One on creating social programs were studied and conclusions were drawn that social programs on the air are not enough, but the emergence of new internet communication channels with a visual component significantly expands opportunities for civic journalism. |
Key words | TV, TV journalism, civic journalism, social journalism, new media, journalism complicity |
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Full article | Modern Trends in the Development of Civic Journalism on Russian Television |