Article name Vowel Harmony in the Buryat Language: Dialect Peculiarities
Authors Abaeva Y.D.Candidate of Philology
Bibliographic description Abaeva Yu. D. Vowel Harmony in the Buryat Language: Dialect Peculiarities // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 5. PP. 89–96. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-5-89-96.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-5-89-96
UDK 811.512.31
Article type
Annotation The article deals with the problem of vowel harmony in the Buryat dialects. The main purpose of the article is to reveal the specific features of vowel harmony in dialects and also the common rules which characterize the Buryat vowel harmony in whole. To achieve these aims the main dialect peculiarities were analyzed in comparison with the literary Buryat language and other Mongolian languages. The material for the investigation was taken from the Sound database of the Buryat dialects. It was revealed that the palatal harmony has common features in all dialects. The labial harmony varies in dialects and determines their sound differences. The main difference is the preservation of the sound ө in the western and southern dialects and its loss in the eastern dialects. The feature which distinguishes the Buryat language from other Mongolian languages is the possibility of both long ө: and long ε: vowels after the long vowel ü: in the first syllable. It depends on geographic parameter: the most western dialect (Nizhneudinsk) more often uses ε:, whereas the most eastern Khori dialect (Aga) more often uses ө: in this position.
Key words palatal vowel harmony, labial vowel harmony, harmony classes, assimilation, the Buryat dialects
Article information
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Full articleVowel Harmony in the Buryat Language: Dialect Peculiarities