Article name Functional Value of Similes in a Literary Text (Based on the Study of E.-Kh. Galshiev’s “Beligei Toli” or “The Mirror of Wisdom”)
Authors Aleksandrova E.S.Postgraduate
Dugarzhapova T.M.Doctor of Philology
Bibliographic description Dygarzhapova T. M., Aleksandrova E. S. Functional Value of Similes in a Literary Text (Based on the Study of E.-Kh. Galshiev’s “Beligei Toli” or “The Mirror of Wisdom”) // Humanitarian Vector. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 5. PP. 122–130. DOI: 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-5-122-130.
DOI 10.21209/1996-7853-2017-12-5-122-130
UDK 89
Article type
Annotation The research is aimed at revealing main literary and artistic specificities of the pre-revolutionary Buryat literature and the analysis of various aspects of using certain concepts and images in E.-Kh. Galshiev’s moral guidelines. The research is viewed as urgent due to the lack of profound studies devoted to the literary legacy of E.-Kh. Galshiev, the importance of analyzing traditional ethic and didactic writing. This work is the first attempt to analyze similes, which by their frequency and variety are the most significant expressive means used by E.-Kh. Galshiev in his guidelines. The small, young, mature and old years of a person are compared to seasons. Such symbolism is traditional for poetry written by the Mongolian speaking authors. Galshiev in his turn managed to reveal the man’s nature through zoomorphic symbolism which was new and original. To reveal bravery and power, strength and courage, the author uses the images of an elephant and that of a lion. In the meanwhile, birds in his poetry signify cowardice, greediness and insincerity. As is clarified, most typical similes in the text of “Beligei Toli” (The Mirror of Wisdom) are created by means of parallelism. It was also revealed that the achieved effect of similes is doubled by contrast, and so is the moral appeal of the poem.
Key words moral appeal of the poem, expressive means, concepts and images, a symbol, folk and poetic similes, comparative constructions, poetic techniques, metric parallelism as a metric means, philosophical understatement
Article information
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Full articleFunctional Value of Similes in a Literary Text (Based on the Study of E.-Kh. Galshiev’s “Beligei Toli” or “The Mirror of Wisdom”)